VSNC Accepting 2022 Neighborhood Award Nominations

Posted August 16, 2022 at 11:26 AM, Filed Under: Press Releases

Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference Accepting 2022 Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Award Nominations


This year, Virginia Statewide Neighborhoods Conference, Inc. is proud to announce the 2022 Neighbors Helping Neighbors Awards Program. This year’s program will focus on recognizing grassroots projects, activities, and accomplishments that have strengthened & supported neighbors and their neighborhoods during the COVID pandemic - Neighbors Helping Neighbors. If your neighborhood project or activity focused on efforts to support neighbors during the Covid -19 Pandemic and/or to increase equity and access we invite you to enter the VSNC, Inc. 2022 Neighbors Helping Neighbors Awards Program.

Eligible applicants include groups of individuals, neighborhood & homeowner associations (HOA), individual youth or youth groups, and neighborhood watch groups. Submissions from a grassroots non-profit organization working in partnership with a neighborhood will be considered as an eligible applicant also.

Eligible projects must have been initiated and completed in your locality between June 2021 and May 2022. All 2022 Award Nomination applications must be received electronically on or before September 2, 2022.

The VSNC Award Nomination Form, eligibility requirements and application guidelines are available on the conference website at www.vsnc.org.

Email Submissions:

Complete and email your completed 2022 VSNC Award Nomination Form and accompanying attachments on or before the September 2, 2022 deadline to Shellae Blackwell, VSNC, Inc. 2022 Awards Committee Chair, to swblackwell10@gmail.com.

Additional Information:

For questions or inquiries, contact Ms. Shellae Blackwell by email to: swblackwell10@gmail.com.