2009 Annual Conference, Chesterfield County

2009 Sponsors and Supporters
The Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference Planning Committee hosts an annual conference with its mission for communities throughout the state to have an excellent opportunity to come together and share their knowledge, experience and vision to make Virginia neighborhoods the neighborhoods of choice. While each neighborhood is unique, all neighborhoods statewide face very similar issues and challenges ranging from the basics of organizing to addressing the complicated issues of public safety. Each year the conference is attended by a diverse group of grass roots neighborhood leaders and youth, non-profit and government staff, and others working in the field of neighborhood development.

Plans are now being made for the 10th annual conference to take place September 24-26, 2009 in Chesterfield County, Virginia.
The conference provides a great opportunity for attendees to participate in information-packed workshops, listen to thought provoking speakers, view a host of exhibitions and engage in unparalleled networking opportunities with hundreds of neighborhood advocates from across the Commonwealth of Virginia. The one thing all attendees have in common is their interest in improving Virginia neighborhoods.
As we embark upon another conference, please join us as we work together in realizing that the future of Virginia lies in the success of our neighborhoods and in the faith of those who strengthen them.
Thursday, September 24
Pre-Conference Activities1-5 p.m
Pre-Conference Tour – $10
Henricus Historical Park and The Dutch Gap Conservation Area
Experience history and natural beauty at Henricus Historical Park and the Dutch Gap Conservation Area. Henricus is a 32-acre living-history museum that tells the story of life in an early English settlement and the roles of Chesterfield County and the James River during the Civil War. Henricus is surrounded by the 800-acre Dutch Gap Conservation Area, one of the largest and most scenic natural areas in Virginia. Both sites are located along the historic James River, just 20 minutes south of Richmond.
Pre-Conference Shopping - FREERelax, explore and open your mind to the exciting shopping opportunities that Chesterfield County has to offer. With a variety of shops, the choices are endless. Whether you are looking for adventure, quaint boutiques or local antiques, we have something for everyone. Check in at Pre-conference Registration upon arrival.
Thursday, September 24
10th Anniversary Celebration6-10:00 p.m.
Please join us for dinner, music and reflections as we celebrate our 10th Anniversary of the Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference. ( The Anniversary Celebration is included in conference registration; tickets for non-registrants are also available.)
Friday, September 25
Workshops/Mobile ToursSession I 9:45-11:45 a.m.

W-1 Carver-VCU Partnership: Improving a Community’s
Quality of Life
Explore the partnership between the university and
the community as they work together to improve quality of life.
W-2 Neighborhoods in Bloom (NiB)
Discover how Richmond
and nonprofit community-development corporations work together
to support the restoration of Richmond’s historic neighborhoods.
W-3 Are you Getting Your Message OUT?
Do your tools, printed materials, Web sites and special events really brand your
image? Find out at this workshop presented by Communicate
W-4 Communities in Schools
This program links educators, students
and the community. Learn how these partnerships can make
a difference and how to develop this program in your community.
MT-1 Chesterfield Revitalization
On the way to the Village
of Chester, tour revitalization sites, including areas along historic
Route 1. Meet the community leaders who envisioned a new life
for their historic village center.
MT-2 Historic Route 1 and the JDA
Tour historic Route 1 with
members of the Jefferson Davis Association and the 2008 VSNC
Organization of the Year winner. Learn about the projects and
partnerships planned to revitalize this corridor.
Friday, September 25
Partnership LuncheonCatherine W. Howard, Ph.D.
Vice Provost, Division of Community Engagement
Virginia Commonwealth University
Friday, September 25
Workshops/Mobile ToursSession II 2:15-4:15 p.m.
W-5 The 3 R’s of Volunteerism — Recruit, Retain and Regain Volunteers
Learn successful tactics to find and keep
volunteers who can help develop a neighborhood-based project
or organization.
W-6 Legal Aspects of Homeowners Associations (HOAs)
How are HOAs handling the impact of foreclosures and their ability
to collect assessments? This workshop will address this and other
issues concerning HOAs.
W-7 Supporting Strong, Viable Communities Through Partnership
The Virginia Housing Development Authority supports
strong, viable communities by ensuring an inventory of affordable
housing. VHDA partners with local governments, housing organizations
and stakeholders to address specific housing priorities with
innovative financing programs.
W-8 Banks Partnering with Communities
Discover how banks are supporting communities and learn about
their active involvement with the communities they serve.
MT-3 Henrico County Partnerships: Lakeside Neighborhood
Tour the Lakeside area of Henrico County, where an active business
association has developed strong partnerships with institutions,
bolstering revitalization efforts.
MT-4 City of Richmond’s Neighborhoods in Bloom (NiB)
Tour historic Church Hill and learn about NiB’s innovative approach
to reversing neighborhood decline through resident and stakeholder
Friday, September 25
Town Hall Meeting4:30-6 p.m.
This meeting will provide an oportunity for residents, youth, community leaders, government officials and others to interact with the professionals who work daily with neighborhood concerns. Bring questions and ideas that can be answered by those who deal with the issues and who have obtained positive results. You may e-mail questions in advance to Dianne Morris at morridw@ci.danville.va.us.
Saturday, September 26
2009 Awards Program8-9:15 a.m.
These awards recognize the neighborhood organizations and individuals that work to enhance the quality of life in their communities.
Award categories:- State Neighborhood Project of the Year
- State Neighborhood Organization of the Year
- State Neighborhood Advocate of the Year
- State Neighborhood Youth Individual Effort of the Year
- State Neighborhood Youth Group Effort of the Year
Saturday, September 26
WorkshopsSession III 9:30-11 a.m.
W-9 Be Prepared for Disasters…Know your Neighbors!
Are you ready to go? Are you prepared to stay? Learn how to be
prepared for emergencies.
W-10 Affordable Housing in your Community!
Housing authorities are developing affordable housing through a variety
of creative and innovative methods. Learn what they are doing to
meet the growing demand for affordable and workforce housing.
W-11 Ignorance of the Law is Not a Defense!
Experts from the Deptartment of Professional and Occupational Regulation will teach the
basic foundations of fair housing laws. Participants who complete
this course are eligible for state certification. CEU offered.
W-12 Stone Soup: Doing More with Less through Creative Partnerships
After hiring its first neighborhood services coordinator,
Manassas experienced a $3 million budget deficit and a hiring
freeze. Learn how one person retained momentum in the community
and how you can adapt her techniques for your community.
Saturday, September 26
Closing LuncheonBilly K. Cannaday Jr., Ed.D.
Dean, School of Continuing and Professional Studies
University of Virginia