Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference:
Overview and History
“While each neighborhood is unique, all face similar issues. From the basics of organizing and conducting meetings to finding resources for needed projects, everyone needs to have the skills to make a difference.”
--Estelle H. McCadden, Founder, VSNC, Inc.
In 2000, Ms. Estelle H. McCadden, a Roanoke, Virginia neighborhood activist and President of her neighborhood’s organization, the Melrose-Rugby Neighborhood Forum, Inc. became inspired to organize and create Virginia’s Statewide Neighborhood Conference. At the time, Ms. McCadden was also serving on the Board of Directors of Neighborhoods USA (NUSA), a national organization dedicated to developing partnerships between neighborhoods, local government, and public/private agencies across the United States.
Ms. McCadden, with the assistance of Selena Cuffee-Glenn, Deputy Director, Dept. of Community Development in Richmond, Virginia, initially brought together neighborhood leaders and professional staff from the cities of Norfolk, Richmond, Hampton, Roanoke, and James City County forming the first statewide conference planning committee that would create the first Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference held in Richmond, VA. Little did they know their conference would become an annual event.
We welcome your participation in our 22nd annual Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Conference. This year the conference will once again be held virtually online on Saturday, September 24, 2022 beginning at 10:00 AM and concluding at 2:00 PM.. The conference theme is "Neighborhoods: The threads of a Community's Quilt” and will conclude with the annual Virginia Statewide Neighborhood Awards presentations. Once again, attendees will have an opportunity to participate virtually in information-packed online workshops, listen to thought provoking speakers, view a host of exhibitions, and engage in unparalleled networking opportunities with neighborhood advocates from across Virginia from the comfort of your home or office. In addition, a concurrent virtual conference designed specifically for young people between the ages of 13-18 called the Youth Café will also be offered online to help participating youth learn how to facilitate constructive changes in their lives, create opportunities for themselves and friends, and become contributing members within their own respective communities.
As we embark upon another annual conference, please join us as we work together in realizing that the future of Virginia lies in the success of our neighborhoods…..and in the faith of those who work to strengthen them!